Sunday, May 27, 2007


Posted to the Five Doves site:
An epistle to the seven churches, written on 15 May 2007, regarding the soon rapture of the bride of Jesus Christ from Nazareth. Good day and peace unto you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was and who is and who is soon to come. These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets revealed these things which must shortly take place. Behold, He comes quickly!!!Our Lord recently revealed to me the date of the rapture by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I was recently in travail for more than ten days, primarily about the rapture of His bride out of this perverse world. During times of travail the Holy Spirit would come upon me and I would get such a longing for the Lord to return and would start to cry. At other times, I had this urgency in my Spirit and I kept hearing the Lord saying: “I am coming, I am coming”, over and over again. During this period of time the Lord revealed to me the things that are soon coming upon the earth and the nation of the U.S.A. He woke me early this morning and instructed me to post it here.

I do not know or understand why the Lord has chosen me to reveal this to you because I am not educated or trained in the Word. All I know is that I love Him and that I have been longing for His return.The Lord revealed to me three major events that are about to happen. He first of all revealed to me that the rapture will take place on the Sabbath day, the 7th day of July 2007. I was amazed at the number 777 but then I realized that the Lord wants everybody to know exactly what has happened. He later told me to read Genesis 7:7: And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. In Matthew 24: 37-39 Jesus says: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”The Lord also revealed to me two events that will take place in June as a sign that this word is true. The first sign will be the outbreak of World War 3 on 16 June 2007. This will be sparked by three atom bombs that will be set off in the USA by radical Muslims. The second sign will be a major earthquake that will hit the west coast of the USA on 19 June 2007. The Lord told me that very few people will take this seriously but that I do not need to defend myself because the signs will speak on my behalf.

The Lord further told me that only the pure in heart will enter into the rapture: “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord...he who has clean hands and a pure heart," Psalm 24:3-4.” I pray and urge you brothers and sisters in Christ to wash your robes in righteousness because the Lord is returning for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle. Peace be unto you all and I hope to see you all very soon for the marriage supper!

Henri DeBeer


27 May – Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost
16 June – Three atom bombs in Washington DC
19 June – Earthquake on West Coast of USA (California)
21 June – Meteor hits U.S.A
23 June – Volcano erupts in California
25 June – Electro Magnetic Pulse in the USA
07 July – Israel bomb Palestine with a Nuclear bomb
07 July – New resurrected bodies of living and dead saints
17 July - Rapture of the bride of Jesus Christs
17 July - Start of the first 3 ½ years of the Great tribulation


I am a young man, 27 years old. I Love the Lord and I am awaiting His soon return. Why does the Lord use me to post these messages I do not know but I believe it is only because I am strategically placed and because I am obedient to do that which He tells me. I am not schooled in the Word or end time prophecies although the subject has interested me for more than a year since I read heaven is so real.

What I do know is that the Lord has sent me an angel to confirm these messages to me and instructs me what to do with it. Therefore I am sure that this is truth. The last thing in the world that I want to do is misrepresent my Lord. I would rather die.

What I already said I say again. Search the Lord with all your heart and ask Him for confirmation which I am sure He will give to His sheep.

John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

The Lord will not allow me to post anything more about myself because He is protecting me for which I am grateful. Thank you Jesus.


The following web page has links to nine Bible Code matrixes for 2007, one of which is WW III in August of 2007.

Last Day Supplies: Courtesy of Shelby Corbitt-web site Rapture 2007. She has written a 400 page book available in pdf format (free) at her site; also it is available in print edition on She has held fast for 21 years to a revelation she received in 1986 from the Lord that the Rapture would take place in the summer of 2007.

"Surely the Lord God will do nothing unless He reveals his secret to his servants, the prophets." Amos 3:7

I believe God is giving us a warning in plenty of time to get our lives in order.

The best thing to do is stock up on extra food and water that could hold you over for a month. Keep extra cash on hand at home. Keep your car full of gas. Have an emergency or evacuation plan in tact. Go ahead and get important papers and photos together that you could grab quickly. I live on the west coast of Florida and this is what we do all the time especially during those few months of hurricane season never park my car on empty at night. When I start getting less than a half tank, I fill up again. As far as extra food goes, I just keep simple things like peanut butter and jelly, can tuna, can fruit, saltines, Gatorade, dry milk and plenty of bottled water. You should have an extra supply of medication around if possible. Ask your doctor next time you go to write out your prescriptions for 1 month supply at a time. Have your medicine cabinet stocked with over the counter drugs such as cold medication, cough medication, aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin, something for a fever or allergy. I also try to keep paper products around like paper plates, cups, forks and spoons. If you have no running water you will not be able to wash dishes. Make sure you have plenty of garbage bags, toilet paper, and paper towels.

Keep cleaners around to disinfect such as bleach, salt, baking soda, vinegar and Lysol spray. If there is no running water you won't be able to flush your toilets. You will also need bug sprays. If we have no electric that means people will have to have their windows open and you will definitely need bug sprays for your body and for your house. You'll need flash lights, candles, matches, battery operated radio and extra batteries. If you have a pet, you should have extra pet food and a plan to take your pet with you if you must evacuate or board them in a kennel.

The items above are small, inexpensive things you can do. If you can afford it, a generator and gas grill would be helpful as well. If we were to be hit by a EMP bomb, like some think may happen, there would be no electric, no running water, no communication (television, computers, radio, no phones or cell phones). There may not be newspapers or mail service either. You would not be able to call 911 for police or ambulance. There would be no banking transactions. If you have a newer model car that has a computer chip or an electronic brain your car would not start either. You know things would be a lot like it was when my grandparents were young, back in the 30's or 40's.

If an EMP hit a large part of the United States it would not cause just a temporary power outage. It could take months or even years to get power back to most of the United States. Electronic equipment and power generating equipment in power plants themselves would be damaged and there will be no way of easily replacing this equipment. Even if the equipment were not damaged the grid could not easily be brought back up. It takes a source of power to bring up modern power plants to put them back on line. Just bringing up the whole U.S. grid from scratch would take weeks or months. Even if the blackout were only for weeks, the disruption to the United States would be immense.

In a matter of hours there would be large-scale looting in the major cities and in days there would be riots in all large cities over food and water. Marshal Law would be declared and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would nationalize all police forces and take control over managing the people of the United States. All available military would be following the directives of DHS as well.

A major EMP over a large part of the United States would cause all major transportation systems to break down. Most means of communication would not be possible. There would be no TV, little radio, no useable cell phone systems, no Internet system and no food or water distribution other than through the direction of Homeland Security. All essentials would be rationed. Those carrying out the DHS directives would confiscate all known critical supplies.
The civil disorder and disruptions that have taken place in New Orleans and southern Mississippi in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina are a small example of what would take place nationwide after an EMP. In that case massive aid from the rest of the nation eased the crisis but after an EMP the whole nation will be coping with the crisis and little aid will be possible.
All able bodied manpower in the United States would have to report for assignments directed by Homeland Security. All financial assets would be frozen. There would be no access to any money, the stock market would be closed and the U.S dollar would become near worthless on the world market. For weeks, months, and perhaps years there could be little gross national product in the United States. The U.S is the largest debtor nation in the world so she would be forced to default on her debt bringing about a massive world depression.

Even after the power was brought back up, it would be likely that much of the electronically controlled infrastructure systems would have to be totally replaced. This could take many years. Meanwhile, financial assets in every category either would become worthless or lose tremendous value. All financial bubbles will burst.